Real-Time Biological Age: What It Reveals About You

In our quest to understand aging, we differentiate between chronological age and biological age. Chronological age is simply the count of years since birth. Biological age, especially “real-time biological age,” shows the true state of your body, based on biomarkers and lifestyle factors. This concept is key in aging research, as it demonstrates how lifestyle choices affect our rate of aging.

Chronological Age vs. Real-Time Biological Age:

Chronological Age: This is the simple count of years since a person’s birth. It progresses uniformly, unaffected by lifestyle or health conditions.

Real-Time Biological Age: This dynamic measure evaluates the body’s aging rate by examining biomarkers, genetics, lifestyle habits, and environmental exposures.

The Science of Aging

Various cellular and molecular factors influence biological aging:

  • Telomere Dynamics: Telomeres, which protect chromosome ends, shorten with age. This shortening is a sign of cellular aging.
  • DNA Health: As we age, our ability to repair DNA damage decreases, contributing to aging.
  • Epigenetic Factors: Changes like DNA methylation can indicate biological age. These changes accumulate over time.

Lifestyle and Biological Age

We have control over our biological age through our lifestyle choices:

  • Nutrition: Foods rich in antioxidants can slow down aging.
  • Physical Activity: Regular exercise benefits our biological age.
  • Stress Management: Reducing stress can decelerate aging markers like telomere shortening.
  • Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for repair and rejuvenation.
  • Social Connections: Strong social bonds can positively affect our biological age.

Evaluating Biological Age in Real-Time

Innovative scientific advancements have introduced various tests that can evaluate an individual’s biological age. These include DNA methylation profiles, telomere length analysis, and comprehensive blood biomarker panels. Such evaluations provide insights into the body’s aging state and guide personalized lifestyle interventions for improved health and longevity.


The concept of “real-time biological age” redefines aging from a fixed and inevitable process into a modifiable journey influenced by our daily choices. By understanding the underlying science and actively participating in lifestyle practices that support youthfulness, we can extend our health span, enjoying vitality and well-being in our later years. In this new paradigm, aging becomes not just a chronological step, but a lived experience rich in potential for growth and rejuvenation.

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Subscription model

Access personalized, real-time tools to monitor your health and daily habits.

9,90 / month
99,90 / year

What does the subscription model include?

  • Manual upload of analytical results: Upload your old analyses easily and view your data in the app. At a glance you can see if your results are healthy and get deep insights.
  • Smartwatch connection: Check if your wearable device is compatible and connect it for full tracking.
  • Biometric data interpretation: Visualize physical activity and sport metrics in real time, checking if you are within optimal ranges for you.
  • Habits diary: Record your daily routine to detect patterns and improve your habits.
  • Speed of aging: Understand how your lifestyle affects your body and the way it ages using this proprietary metric.
  • Population comparison: Compare your habits and lifestyle with other Eterna users.
  • Knowledge Pills: Learn with exclusive educational content taught by health professionals.

Benefits of Subscribing

  • Real-time and personalized monitoring of your health.
  • Access to exclusive content and advanced tools.
  • Improve your habits thanks to daily interactive questionnaires.

How does it work?


Choose one of the two subscription models from our website or app.


Download the app, register and set up your profile.


Connect your smartwatch, upload your analytics and start monitoring your health.

Who is the target audience?

Ideal for those who want continuous, personalized, real-time monitoring of their health with advanced tools and recommendations.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What devices can I connect? Compatible with most smartwatches and wearables on the market (see brands on home page).
  • When can I cancel my subscription? At any time, without penalties.
  • What type of content is included in the subscription? Educational pills, personalized recommendations and population-based comparisons.

Activate your subscription today and take the first step towards comprehensive health care.

Plan Élite

La experiencia definitiva: acceso completo a todas las herramientas de Eterna Diagnostics, test de edad biológica, consultas médicas y eventos exclusivos.

La solución más completa para la prevención del riesgo de enfermedades, combinando la información más avanzada, soporte médico continuo y recursos exclusivos para potenciar tu longevidad y bienestar.

985,00 €

¿Qué incluye el Plan ProAge?

1. Test AgeScan Full

Nuestro test personalizado más completo. Mediante un análisis de más de 30 biomarcadores podrás evaluar tu salud general y niveles hormonales de manera completa. Los biomarcadores que analizamos son:

  • ALB: Albúmina
  • ALP: Fosfatasa alcalina
  • APOB: Apolipoproteína B
  • CA: Calcio total
  • CHOL: Colesterol total
  • CISTATINAC: Cistatina C
  • CK: Creatin quinasa
  • CREA: Creatinina
  • E2: Estradiol
  • FE: Hierro
  • FERRI: Ferritina
  • FR: Recuento celular/fórmula hematológica
  • GGT: Gammaglutamiltranspeptidasa
  • GLU: Glucosa
  • GOT: Aspartato aminotransferasa
  • GPT: Alanina aminotransferasa
  • HBA1C: Hemoglobina A1c
  • HDL: HDL Colesterol
  • HOMOCISTE: Homocisteína
  • INSU: Insulina
  • ISATUFE: Índice saturación transferrina
  • K: Potasio
  • LDL: LDL Colesterol
  • LPA: Lipoproteína (a)
  • MG: Magnesio
  • NA: Sodio
  • PCR: Proteína C reactiva (hs)
  • SHBG: Sex hormone binding globulin
  • TESTOS: Testosterona total
  • TESTOSLI: Testosterona libre
  • TRANSF: Transferrina
  • TRI: Triglicéridos
  • URI: Ácido úrico
  • VITAD25: Vitamina D 25-hidroxi
  • VLDL: VLDL colesterol

2. Análisis Genético

Descubre predisposiciones genéticas clave para personalizar aún más tus hábitos de salud y bienestar.

3. Test ProAge de Edad Biológica

Determina tu edad biológica basada en biomarcadores sanguíneos relacionados con la salud cardiovascular, el sistema inmune, el cáncer y la salud metabólica. También obtendrás información valiosa sobre cómo optimizar tu envejecimiento.

4. Consultas Médicas

Accede a consultas con profesionales médicos para interpretar tus resultados y diseñar estrategias de mejora personalizadas.

5. Resolución de dudas

Recibe orientación de especialistas para interpretar tus resultados y establecer estrategias personalizadas.

6. Acceso Premium a la App (12 meses)

Disfrutarás de 12 meses de suscripción a la app, incluyendo todas las funcionalidades que se encuentran en el modelo de suscripción:

  • Subida manual de resultados de analíticas
  • Conexión de smartwatch
  • Interpretación de datos biométricos
  • Diario de hábitos
  • Velocidad de envejecimiento
  • Comparativa poblacional
  • Píldoras de Conocimiento

Beneficios de este plan

  • Visión completa de tu salud con un panel analítico de más de 30 biomarcadores a bajo coste.
  • Acceso a herramientas digitales para un monitorización de tu salud en tiempo real.
  • Integración de una nueva ciencia ómica (genética) en la visión holística de tu salud.
  • La evaluación más completa: biomarcadores, análisis genético y test de edad biológica.
  • Consultas médicas para diseñar estrategias personalizadas.

¿Cómo funciona?


Compra el Plan Élite, descarga la app y activa tus tests.


Reserva tu cita para AgeScanFull y el test genético, acude al laboratorio (6h de ayuno necesarias en el caso de AgeScan Full) e identifícate con tu código personal antes de realizar tus tests. Resultados en un plazo máximo de 30 días en la app/web (90 días en el caso de nuestro test genético).


Selecciona fecha y hora para la recogida del test ProAge de Edad Biológica. El test se entrega y se recoge a domicilio, sigue las instrucciones que encontrarás en el interior del producto.


Conecta tu wearable y monitoriza tus hábitos en tiempo real.

¿A quién va dirigido?

Para quienes buscan un enfoque integral y profesional en el cuidado de su salud, combinando análisis biométricos, bioquímicos, proteómicos, genéticos, test de edad biológica y asesoramiento médico personalizado.

Preguntas Frecuentes

  • ¿Qué necesito si quiero obtener mi Plan Pro? Ayuna 6h antes de llegar al laboratorio para hacerte la analítica (sólo necesario para el test AgeScan Full) y lleva tu código de identificación.
  • ¿Cuándo tendré mis resultados? En un máximo de 30 días, estarán visibles en la app/web (90 días en el caso del test genético).
  • ¿Qué incluye el asesoramiento personalizado? Sesiones con especialistas para interpretar resultados y optimizar hábitos.
  • ¿Qué pasa cuando terminan los 12 meses de suscripción a la app incluidos en el Plan Pro? Deberás renovar tu suscripción (mediante el modelo de suscripción) o comprar otro Plan para continuar monitorizando tu salud.
  • ¿Qué necesito para hacerme el Test ProAge de Edad Biológica? Lo podrás realizar desde tu casa, siguiendo las instrucciones que encontrarás en el paquete. Solicita la recogida desde la app y nuestro servicio logístico se encargará.
  • ¿En qué consiste el Test ProAge de Edad Biológica? Consiste en la evaluación de la edad biológica real de tu cuerpo (mucho más precisa que la edad cronológica) basada en biomarcadores clave.

Lo que opinan nuestros usuarios

"Con ProAge, he podido conocer mi edad biológica y correlacionarla con mi frenético estilo de vida. Este valor también estaba estrechamente relacionado con mis predisposiciones genéticas y con los resultados de mi Test AgeScan Full. Ya he tenido una consulta con el médico especialista de Eterna y me ha dado pautas para revertir mis resultados y empezar a rejuvener. Una tecnología realmente sorprendente." – Carlos, 60 años.

Empieza hoy a cuidar tu salud con Eterna. Una decisión sencilla, un gran paso hacia tu bienestar.

Pro Plan

Take your monitoring to the next level with advanced analytics, biological age tests, personalized consultations and access to our private community.

Get the most out of preventing disease with a comprehensive approach, backed by multi-omics data and expert advice, reducing risk and improving your long-term health.

784,00 €

What does the Pro Plan include?

AgeScan Advanced Test

Our most complete personalized test. Through an analysis of more than 30 biomarkers you will be able to evaluate your general health and hormone levels in a complete way. The biomarkers we analyze are:

  • ALB: Albumin
  • ALP: Alkaline Phosphatase
  • APOB: Apolipoprotein B
  • CA: Total calcium
  • CHOL: Total cholesterol
  • CYSTATINAC: Cystatin C
  • CK: Creatine kinase
  • CREA: Creatinine
  • E2: Estradiol
  • FE: Iron
  • FERRI: Ferritin
  • FR: Cell count/hematologic formula
  • GGT: Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
  • GLU: Glucose
  • GOT: Aspartate Aminotransferase
  • GPT: Alanine aminotransferase
  • HBA1C: Hemoglobin A1c
  • HDL: HDL Cholesterol
  • HOMOCysteine: Homocysteine
  • INSU: Insulin
  • ISATUFE: Transferrin Saturation Index
  • K: Potassium
  • LDL: LDL Cholesterol
  • LPA: Lipoprotein (a)
  • MG: Magnesium
  • NA: Sodium
  • PCR: C-reactive protein (hs)
  • SHBG: Sex hormone binding globulin
  • TESTS: Total testosterone
  • TESTOSLI: Free testosterone
  • TRANSF: Transferrin
  • TRI: Triglycerides
  • URI: Uric acid
  • VITAD25: 25-hydroxy vitamin D
  • VLDL: VLDL cholesterol

Resolution of doubts

Receive guidance from specialists to interpret your results and establish personalized strategies.

3. Premium App Access (12 months)

You will enjoy a 12-month subscription to the app, including all the features found in the subscription model:

  • Manual upload of analysis results
  • Smartwatch connection
  • Interpretation of biometric data
  • Habits diary
  • Aging rate
  • Population comparison
  • Knowledge Pills

3. ProAge Biological Age Test

Determine your biological age based on blood biomarkers related to cardiovascular, immune, cancer and metabolic health. You will also gain valuable information on how to optimize your aging.

4. Medical Consultations

Access consultations with medical professionals to interpret your results and design personalized improvement strategies.

Benefits of this plan

  • Complete vision of your health with an analytical panel of more than 30 biomarkers at low cost.
  • Access to digital tools to monitor your health in real time.
  • Integration of new omic sciences for a holistic vision of your health.
  • The most complete evaluation: biological age test.
  • Medical consultations to design personalized strategies.

How does it work?


Purchase the Pro Plan, download the app and activate your tests.


Book your appointment for AgeScan Advanced, come to the lab (6h fasting required) and identify yourself with your personal code before performing your tests. Results within 30 days on the app/web.


Select date and time for the collection of the ProAge Biological Age test. The test is delivered and picked up at home, follow the instructions inside the product.


Connect your wearable and monitor your habits in real time.

Who is the target audience?

Ideal for those who wish to deepen their health care with personalized analysis, advanced tools and expert support.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to do before going to the lab to get AgeScan Advanced? Fast 6h before arriving at the laboratory and bring your identification code.
  • When will I get my results? In a maximum of 30 days, they will be visible on the app/web.
  • What does personalized consulting include? Sessions with specialists to interpret results and optimize habits.
  • What happens when the 12-month app subscription included in the Pro Plan expires? You will need to renew your subscription (using the subscription model) or purchase another Plan to continue monitoring your health.

What our users say

"Thanks to Eterna's Pro Plan I have been able to correlate my lifestyle with my daily routines, understanding many doubts I had. I have also found out why my biological age was higher than my chronological age and I have managed to reverse it" - Juan, 64 years old.

Start taking care of your health today with Eterna. A simple decision, a big step towards your wellbeing.

Advanced Plan

Expand your knowledge of your body: get more data with our AgeScan Advanced biomarker panel and a 6-month subscription to our monitoring app.

A plan that helps you deepen your prevention of chronic disease risk , identifying key factors early and optimizing your habits for a fuller life.

197,00 €

What does the Advanced Plan include?

AgeScan Advanced Test

Our most complete personalized test. Through an analysis of more than 30 biomarkers you will be able to evaluate your general health and hormone levels in a complete way. The biomarkers we analyze are:

  • ALB: Albumin
  • ALP: Alkaline Phosphatase
  • APOB: Apolipoprotein B
  • CA: Total calcium
  • CHOL: Total cholesterol
  • CYSTATINAC: Cystatin C
  • CK: Creatine kinase
  • CREA: Creatinine
  • E2: Estradiol
  • FE: Iron
  • FERRI: Ferritin
  • FR: Cell count/hematologic formula
  • GGT: Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
  • GLU: Glucose
  • GOT: Aspartate Aminotransferase
  • GPT: Alanine aminotransferase
  • HBA1C: Hemoglobin A1c
  • HDL: HDL Cholesterol
  • HOMOCysteine: Homocysteine
  • INSU: Insulin
  • ISATUFE: Transferrin Saturation Index
  • K: Potassium
  • LDL: LDL Cholesterol
  • LPA: Lipoprotein (a)
  • MG: Magnesium
  • NA: Sodium
  • PCR: C-reactive protein (hs)
  • SHBG: Sex hormone binding globulin
  • TESTS: Total testosterone
  • TESTOSLI: Free testosterone
  • TRANSF: Transferrin
  • TRI: Triglycerides
  • URI: Uric acid
  • VITAD25: 25-hydroxy vitamin D
  • VLDL: VLDL cholesterol

2. Premium App Access (6 months)

You will enjoy 6 months of subscription to the app, including all the functionalities found in the subscription model:

  • Manual upload of analysis results
  • Smartwatch connection
  • Interpretation of biometric data
  • Habits diary
  • Aging rate
  • Population comparison
  • Knowledge Pills

Benefits of choosing this plan

  • Complete vision of your health with an analytical panel of more than 30 biomarkers at low cost.
  • Access to digital tools to monitor your health in real time.
  • You will be able to discover patterns in your lifestyle and optimize your well-being.

How does it work?


Purchase the Advanced Plan, download the app and activate your test.


Book your appointment, go to the laboratory after 6 hours of fasting identifying yourself with your personal code, and perform the test. Results within 30 days in the app/web.


Connect your wearable and start monitoring your habits in real time.

Who is the target audience?

Ideal for those who want a detailed analysis of the biological state of their organism and at the same time a continuous monitoring with advanced tools to improve their well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to do before going to the lab to get AgeScan Advanced? Fast 6h before arriving at the laboratory and bring your identification code.
  • When will I get my results? In a maximum of 30 days, they will be visible on the app/web.
  • What happens when the 6 months app subscription included in the Advanced Plan expires? You will need to renew your subscription (using the subscription model) or purchase another Plan to continue monitoring your health.

What our users say

"Thanks to Eterna Diagnostics and its Advanced Plan, I maintain an ideal lifestyle thanks to the constant monitoring of all the parameters that interest me, and without the need to go to the doctor. I am delighted." - Juan, 51 years old.

Start taking care of your health today with Eterna. A simple decision, a big step towards your wellbeing.

Basic Plan

Start your path to better wellness with our essential tools and an initial analysis of your health status.

The first step for the prevention and reduction of the risk of suffering diseases, oriented to a sustainable improvement of your quality of life.

48,00 €

What does the Basic Plan include?

1. AgeScan Test

With this biological test, specifically developed by Eterna Diagnostics, you will obtain a detailed analysis of 20 essential biomarkers for the organism:

  • ALB: Albumin
  • ALP: Alkaline Phosphatase
  • CA: Total calcium
  • CHOL: Total cholesterol
  • CREA: Creatinine
  • FE: Iron
  • FERRI: Ferritin
  • FR: Hematological formula
  • GGT: Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase
  • GLU: Glucose
  • GOT: Aspartate Aminotransferase
  • GPT: Alanine aminotransferase
  • HDL: HDL Cholesterol
  • K: Potassium
  • LDL: LDL Cholesterol
  • NA: Sodium
  • PCR: C-reactive protein (hs)
  • TRANSF: Transferrin
  • TRI: Triglycerides
  • URI: Uric acid

2. Premium App Access (3 months)

You will enjoy a 3-month subscription to the app, including all the features found in the subscription model:

  • Manual upload of analysis results
  • Smartwatch connection
  • Interpretation of biometric data
  • Habits diary
  • Aging rate
  • Population comparison
  • Knowledge Pills

Benefits of this plan

  • Essential health check-up at a competitive cost.
  • Early detection of possible alterations (cholesterol, glucose, iron, etc.).
  • Holistic and real-time monitoring with our app.

How does it work?


Purchase the Basic Plan, download the app and activate your test.


Book your appointment, go to the laboratory after 6 hours of fasting identifying yourself with your personal code, and perform the test. Results within 30 days in the app/web.


Connect your wearable and start monitoring your habits in real time.

Who is the target audience?

Ideal for those who wish to take the first step towards a more conscious care of their health, integrating classic biomarkers of biological monitoring with functional lifestyle parameters.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What do I need to do before going to the lab to get an AgeScan? Fast 6h before arriving at the laboratory and bring your identification code.
  • When will I get my results? In a maximum of 30 days, they will be visible on the app/web.
  • What happens when the 3-month app subscription included in the Basic Plan expires? You will need to renew your subscription (using the subscription model) or purchase another Plan to continue monitoring your health.

What our users say

"I detected an iron deficiency early thanks to the Eterna app. Now I can explain my poor sports performance." - Maria, 35 years old.
"I can see how my habits influence my well-being, it's very revealing." - Jorge, 42 years old.

Start taking care of your health today with Eterna. A simple decision, a big step towards your wellbeing.