Our products use biological and lifestyle parameters to monitor body fitness and wellness. We use proprietary patented technology.
Based on epigenetics, our goal is to reveal in real time the impact of our environment on our organism. We also use this information to improve health, prevent disease and extend life expectancy.
Promote healthy lifestyles in the young population.
Inspiring younger generations to adopt a healthier lifestyle is vital for the overall well-being of the population and to promote healthy aging. Improved physical fitness, increased mental resilience and protection from developing age-related diseases are some of the benefits. Educating the importance of healthy habits from an early age will empower young people to make informed decisions and create a healthier future for our society.
Aid for Technology-Based Companies of the Principality of Asturias.
The project of “creation and start-up” of Startquake S.L., now commercially called Eterna Diagnostics has been subsidized with the Aid to Technology-Based Companies in the Principality of Asturias. It is funded by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA, the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan (PCTI) 2018-2022 and the European Union through FEDER. Grant reference IDE/2021/000947.
Aid for the incorporation of university graduates for the development of R&D&I activities.
Startquake S.L., has been the beneficiary of an aid within the framework of the Jovellanos program, for the incorporation of personnel to carry out R+D+i activities. The project assigned to the grant is framed under the name “Testing and validation of biomarkers ‘In silico'”. Reference AYUD/2021/57092. It is co-financed by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through the Foundation for the Promotion of Applied Scientific Research and Technology in Asturias (FICYT) and by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Support for the “TE CUIDAS” project, within the Scientific Missions program of the Principality of Asturias.
Startquake S.L., together with a consortium of companies, has been the beneficiary of this aid within the “TE CUIDAS” program. This project consists of the development of technologies focused on promoting healthy and autonomous longevity of vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion. The grant has been funded by the Regional Ministry of Science, Innovation and University, within the Principality of Asturias Science Missions 2022 program. Reference AYUD/2022/24232. Period of execution 07/01/2022-09/30/2023. Subsidized amount 220,444.08€.
Help to promote open innovation through the “Activa Startups” initiative.
The project “Development of a customized test for analysis of Startquake” of Startquake S.L., has been subsidized with the “Activa Startups” grant within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for SMEs in the Autonomous Community of Asturias (ATS_PYME_007). It is financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU, and through the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism.
Aid for “Industrial Doctorates” within the framework of the “Torres Quevedo” initiative for the training of doctors in companies.
The reference of the grant received by Startquake S.L., is DIN2020-011530 and has been funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) and the State Research Agency (AEI), being the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) of the agency 10.13039/501100011033.
Support from the CECOEC ICT innovation promotion program.
Startquake S.L., has been funded through the project “Measuring Aging with Wearable Technology” and awarded by the Chambers of Commerce of Asturias as part of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan – Funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEu.